I used to ski a lot when I was in Russia, but since I left it almost 6 years ago, I had only one attempt to ski a couple of years ago, but that one wasn\’t that good since I had to rent the ski equipment (which was very bad condition) and so on and so forth.
This Thursday, Michael had brought me all my equipment from Moscow (thanks to him for bringing the stuff and to my mom for preparing everything before shipment), so I decided to go up to the Troodos mountains and have some fun.
First, on Saturday, Lana, Olga and me went there and found out that there were some problems with electricity, which was fixed around lunch time. The session was rather short, but was enough for me to remember the skiing basics and for Lana to get into skiing.
Sunday we went with Michael joining all of us. We were a bit late and the session was also kinda short, but Lana continued with getting onto skiing, Olga tried skiing as well (and she also liked it) while Michael chose the snow board and also joined the snow fan company.
I have the photos here (more of them are coming), though it is kinda hard to take a camera with you while skiing. Anyway, I hope we will continue with skiing in this nice company of people during weekends. Thanks to Lana for driving us with her 4wd car, it wouldn\’t be possible to make skiing otherwise ;)