Kontact + MS Exchange + MS AD

Many times I had to do this and all the time I need to go and search on how to do it right. This time I decided to post the whole stuff here in order to look in one place, not million of them.

So, how to make Kontact to work with MS Exchange and MS Active directory:

1. Mail setup:

Enable the IMAP on the exchange and just add another account in the KMail part of Kontact. Than create additional identity to correspond to the exchange account (if not there yet) and use it.

I would also recommend to set \”Show only subscribed folder\” options to filter all the rest, other way it will be to much.

2. Contacts:

2.1: Exchange part:

In the KAddressBook part of Kontact add another resource, indicated as \”Addressbook on Exchange server (expiremental)\”. In the settings put webdav[s]://<server name>/exchange/<username> and correct information in username and password fields.

Press \”Update folder list\”, right-click on \”Contacts\” and check \”Enabled\”

2.2: MS Active Directory:

In the KAddressBook part of Kontact add another resource, indicated as \”LDAP\”. In the settings:

User: <username>@<domain>

BindDN: <username>@<domain>

Realm: <domain>

Password: <password>

Host: <AD host, usually PDC or BDC>

Port: 389

LDAP version: 3

Size limit: default

Time limit: default

DN: <domain DN, like dc=example,dc=com>

Filter: (mail=*)

Security: No

Authentication: Simple

Sub-tree query: enabled
I believe that this settings could be adjusted, but these ones are basic and working ones (at least for me)

3. Calendar, Todo…

Basically the setup is similar to setting Contacts in exchange, the only difference is that the additional resource should be added in the KOrganizer part of the Kontact and instead of enabling the \”Contacts\” folder you do it for \”Calendar\”, \”Todo\” and whatever else is in the list.


1. you have to have IMAP enabled on Exchange

2. you have to have WebDAV enabled on Exchange

3. you can not use WebDAV unless you login to Exchange webmail (some bugs with NTLM I think)