Quite a while ago I wrote a post mentioning a problem with fonts when using RDP over FreeNX. Now it seems that the problem is fixed and everything works. I have reinstalled the freenx server on my FC5 server (the latest version available for fc5 from yum repos I have is 0.6.0) and also put a latest (3.1.0) nx client on my fedora 8 laptop. Things just work :)Â and they are really fast and easy.
Category: Technology
Two internet connections: how is better (past year)
I have noticed a post called \”Two internet connections: how is better\” I posted two years ago in the \”This week last year\” box on the right of my blog. That time I did two firewall and so on (as explained in the that post), but now everything has changed and I am glad.
First of all I got a server with 3 ethernet cards and put all the ends into it (two WANs and one LAN). Then I setup load balancer and line failover which works really great. All of the above was done with pfSense firewall (which I really love and have installed at many places, including three places I maintain, plus my computer supplier office as well as two offices of Kean factory). pfSense works just great and has a lot of functionality free of charge :)
Currently I have tested all basic things like DNS forwarder, DHCP, filtering and so on, plus IPSec (static-to-static, static-to-mobile_client), PPTP, Load Balancer, Traffic Shaper, Failover and ntop module.
Rack installation
We are currently in the process of migrating old unbranded 42U cabling-only (not deep) rack to new HP (10K series) one which have to contain old patch panels (9 of them) and other cabling stuff as well as 5 1U HP ProLiant DL360 servers. Very routine task but I really like it.
All patched panels were already transferred (with a bit of reorganization). Additional wire managers were installed. New power pallet units were added (very nice ones from HP for better power system). New servers are also mounted and so on, just have to finish minor stuff and I will post some pics :)
Two things pissed me off: 1 – HP now supplies screws (the ones to mount stuff in the rack) which need alien key (thanks God I had old normal screws I used), 2 – HP had changed the normal side panels (one per side) to some tricky 3-part-per-side panels. I took us some time to figure out how to set those parts up and it turned out to be not-that-comfortable to work with em.
Transport Tycoon Delux data files
I see a lot of hits for the Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe post which I made quite a long time ago and where I have mentioned the download of the full pack of OpenTTD with original data files. This download is not available from that server anymore (for some time already as well), but since I (still) have data files, here is an archive of a full data folder from OpenTTD, just get what is missing from there for your setup.
Broad Knowledge vs Narrow Specification
As far as I see there are two ways of learning things: one is to touch upon a lot of subjects from different areas to some extend and be get more or less deep in one particular, another is to ignore a lot of stuff out there and just focus on one subject deepest possible. For instance one may be quite familiar with different programming languages like C, Java, Perl, PHP, Visual Basic and programming for different platforms, in addition know a bunch of things about system administration on different OSes and so on and so forth and be more advanced let\’s say on Linux administration or whatever. Another person may not know all of those things, but be very very good in Java programming or any other field.
Until now I was more of the first type of the person where I was getting my hands on everything I could and meanwhile I was doing Linux administration (especially in MS Windows network environment) better than anything else. But recently I thought that maybe I should change the approach and just focus all my attention on one thing to get to do it perfectly well? What is the way you do things?