RT3 ActiveDirectory User Attributes Sync

Ok, here is another small script to deal with RT3 and Active Directory. If you apply the apache ldap auth described previously to your RT3 installation, you will have no problem getting people logged in, but you will still have to adjust their names and emails. Doing this manually is not the best choice, so here is a small script, which can be run from the cron (or manually) to update user info in RT3 according to user attributes in Active Directory:

< ?php

# Debug flag. Set to non-zero for verbose output
$debug = 0;

# Settings to use while connecting to active directory
$ldap_host = \"\"; # AD server
$ldap_user = \"someuser@example.com\"; # User in AD with read writes
$ldap_pass = \"someuser_password\"; # Password for the user above
$ldap_base = \"dc=example,dc=com\"; # AD base to search (recursivly)

# Settings to use while connecting to rt3 MySQL DB
$sql_host = \"\"; # MySQL server
$sql_name = \"rt3\"; # RT3 DB name in MySQL
$sql_user = \"rt3_user\"; # User to connect to above DB
$sql_pass = \"rt3_pass\"; # Password for the user above

# Map of RT3 -> AD attributes
$attr_map = array(
	\'RealName\'		=> \'displayName\',
	\'EmailAddress\'	=> \'mail\'

# Connect to AD and authenticate
$ldap = ldap_connect($ldap_host);
if (!$ldap) {
	die (\"Failed to connect to LDAP server: \" . ldap_error() . \"\\n\");
ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
if (!ldap_bind($ldap,$ldap_user,$ldap_pass)) {
	die (\"Failed to bind to LDAP server: \" . ldap_error() . \"\\n\");

# Connect to MySQL
$sql = mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass);
if (!$sql) {
	die (\"Failed to connect to MySQL server: \" . mysql_error() . \"\\n\");
if (!mysql_select_db($sql_name)) {
	die (\"Failed to select MySQL database: \" . mysql_error() . \"\\n\");

# Get a list of RT3 users from MySQL
$users = get_rt3_users();

# Update attributes for each RT3 user according to AD attributes
foreach ($users as $user) {

# Close the connections to MySQL and AD

# Gets a list of RT3 users from MySQL
function get_rt3_users () {
	global $sql;

	# Skips the external users (the ones that look like email address)
	$result = mysql_query(\"SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE Name NOT LIKE \'%@%\'\",$sql);
	$users = array();
	while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	return $users;

# Gets AD attributes for the given user
function get_ldap_user_attr ($user) {
	global $ldap,$ldap_base,$attr_map,$debug;

	if ($debug) { print \"Searching for user $user\\n\"; }
	$result = ldap_search($ldap,$ldap_base,\"(sAMAccountName=$user)\");
	$entries = array();
	if ($result) {
		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap,$result);
	} else {
		die(\"Failed to search LDAP: \" . ldap_error($ldap) . \"\\n\");
	return $entries;

# Updates RT3 user in MySQL with given AD attributes
function set_rt3_user_info ($user,$attr) {
	global $sql,$attr_map;

	# Construct an update SQL query arguments
	$query = \"\";
	foreach ($attr_map as $k => $v) {

		# Update field only if it is set and non empty
		if (isset($attr[0][strtolower($v)][0]) and $attr[0][strtolower($v)][0] != \"\") {
			$query .= \",$k=\'\" . mysql_escape_string($attr[0][strtolower($v)][0]) . \"\'\";

	# Run the actual query
	$query = \"UPDATE Users SET \".substr($query,1).\" WHERE Name=\'\".mysql_escape_string($user).\"\';\";


Now each time a new user logs in to RT3 and his username appears in RT3 database, this script will update his/her name and email. You can extend a list of mapped attributes to have more info updated if you want so.