Java Stuff

I think I have already mentioned before that due to the Object Oriented Programming college class I have to play around Java now. I was assigned to do a project in Java and I decided to check what I can do there. Being more a perl guy, I have a faced a numerous problems with Java which I try to overcome in all possible ways. Here is what problems I have:

1. Static method declaration in abstract class. This really drives me crazy :(. I have a case where I really need to have static methods in abstract class (with implementation code inside) and I can not do it which causes me a lot of headache.

2. I am really missing an analog of perl keyword __PACKAGE__ in Java. This, sometimes also have to do with the first issue. For example I want to create an abstract class which defines the structure of a database table model, and this class should have static methods such as retrieveAll or search to return an array of objects of this class. Lets assume that I am allowed to have static methods in abstract classes and that I have a __PACKAGE__ option, then I would write something like this:

abstract public class DBModel extends DB {

abstract static private String dbTableName;

static public __PACKAGE__ retrieveAll () {

DB myDB = new DB();
myDB.query(\"SELECT id FROM \" + dbTableName + \"\");

if (myDB.getResultCount() > 0) {
int i = 0;

__PACKAGE__ itemList[];
while (myDB.getResultSet().next()) {

itemList[i++] = __PACKAGE__ new( myDB.getResultSet().getInt(\"id\") );
return itemList;


return null;

public class MCategories extends DBModel {

static private String dbTableName = \"customers\";

Like this, all classes which extend DBModel would have a static method retrieveAll() which would retrieve a list of all items from the DB.

3. Declaration and assignment to a variable inside of if/while/whatever. Sometimes I just need to do something like this (using the above example):

if ((Object[] objectsList= MCategories.retrieveAll()) != null) {

// do something with objectsList[].

If you know some workarounds, please let me know.