I am fed up with SPAM in comments! Installed SPAM Karma 2 plugin which has nice reviews from many people and I hope that the story with SPAM will be finished now.
Got the headsets with microphone
I finally got the headsets (A4Tech HS-7) with microphone so that I utilize the voice calls in skype.
Got Skyped
After reading a post on my brothers site I decided to check up Skype and I think I \”got skyped\”. I have it up and running. My nickname is \”alex_mamchenkov\”.
I wounder if anyone knowns any perl WYSIWYG editor or better module? I was looking on CPAN but failed to find one and I really do not want to write my own (especially a JavaScript part for the textareas).
Something with a couple of methods, where one to create an HTML + JavaScipt code for textarea and the second one to parse text with tags for display.
Favourite Keyboards Shortcuts
I wonder what kind of keyboard shortcuts people use the most and for which purposes? I, for instance, here is what I use the most:
Alt+1, Alt+2,.. Alt-4 – switching between virtual desktops in KDE
Ctl+C, Ctlr+V, Ctrl+X and Ctlr+A – copy, paste,cut and select all in almost any app
Ctrl+Shift+N, Shift+Right/Left – Create new tab and switch right/left between tabs in Konsole.
Shift+PageUP/Down – scrolling the Konsole
Ctrl+F – find in many apps, mostly firefox though
I am also trying to memorize Ctrl+PageUP/Down for switch tabs in firefox. Long time I am trying to start using them with slow progress :(