Tiger Style Administration for WP2

Today I have noticed a nice theme of administration/user area of WP on my brother\’s blog. I was so amazed that I decided to get it for myself. Luckily there is a version for WP2. I really enjoy this there – it is much more comfortable as a default one and it is very easy to install as well (just as any other plugin – drop it to the right place and activate from admin area).

Nice work!

100 post is here :)

Looking around Dashboard of my blog I noticed that I have 99 posts and have decided to make a 100 one to memorize this occasion :)

Before I used to play around my blogs and most of the time I was loosing the posts, and it seems like this is the first time I am getting so far without any thoughts of changing something :) Updates are the only thing I am planning to do, the rest should stay.

Hope to get to the 200 :), but quality is always better than quantity. The other this is comments :) they are 144 now and I hope this number to increase bringing some nice ideas and feedback to me :)

WordPress upgrade to version 2 (part 2)

Ok, it seems that I have managed to finish upgrading to WP2. My theme was not working because I have removed gallery plugin and I had function call to this plugin from the header so it was not loading. I have also removed many other plugins like weather forecast, textile and other stuff which I was not using or which I obsolete with the new W2 (like editor).

All important plugins that I need a working fine with the new WP, including tags, threaded comments, comment quick tags, adsense-delux and others.

If you notice any misbehavior of the blog, please let me know, but I hope that things will go fine and that I will not have any problems (kinda dream after any updates :-] )

Since my server is fine now as well, I hope that the site will be up all time and that I will manage to find time to leave posts here. You won\’t believe how much I was missing the blog for all the time it was offline.

WordPress upgrade to version 2

Since I am doing lots of updates here and there, I decided to update the WordPress as well.

The update went fine, but some stuff is not working (like my theme :[ ) and I still need to tweak stuff around, but I hope I will manage to reconfigure the stuff to work with WP2 since I like more (at least for the good editor, AJAX and inline uploads).