Internet problems

I am having a some problems with internet connection of my web-server today. Hopefully I will upgrade the line from 1mb/128kb to 1.5mb/256kb and change the ISP as well somewhere in the near future.

Sorry if you failed to reach the site sometime today, but I really couldn\’t do anything about it :(

The Digital Ship Cyprus 2006 conferense

Have just returned from the second (and last) day of the Digital Ship Cyprus 2006 conference. I\’ve been attending both days and have seen many interesting stuff. I am not much familiar with ship communication, but I found many interesting things there, and also learned a lot.

There were a lot of speeches and presentations from many companies. The most bright ones are from Inmarsat (no doubt) and Connexion by Boeing. All other presentations were very good as well, but there too many of them and they all will be published at Digital Ship web site.

I have also attended a small Inmarsat training (2 hours) where they made an introduction to the satellite communication including the history of Inmarsat and the packages they offered and still offer. Specifications of those as well as current projects and future possibilities. We also had a chance to try some of their new equipment from the mobile series and I would tell it was quite nice.

Also I would like to mention the PrimeTel company whom I communicate a lot with and I got some nice ideas (as well as a couple of presents) from. Nice people.

Anyway, I\’ve met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot and I hope that will get more into the topic since there are some interesting points in it and it can be useful for me.

Tiger Style Administration for WP2

Today I have noticed a nice theme of administration/user area of WP on my brother\’s blog. I was so amazed that I decided to get it for myself. Luckily there is a version for WP2. I really enjoy this there – it is much more comfortable as a default one and it is very easy to install as well (just as any other plugin – drop it to the right place and activate from admin area).

Nice work!

Class::DBI::mysql – even better

While looking for some cool stuff for Class::DBI on CPAN I found the Class::DBI::mysql. An amazing thing! Since I use MySQL it matches me and it simplifies the job even more. Now I do not need to specify the columns and I use create_table function to create a table for a particular class if it is not there yet which makes the installation even easier – no set up classes or something like this need.

It also provides with enum_vals function which is really cool as well :)