WordPress stuff

It is few days now I am using new WP 2.2 and I feel like I like it :) Though I didn\’t yet managed to find a solution to my SpamKarma 2 problem, it still like it. For fighting spam bots, I have installed Bad Behavior plugin to cut off some crap, but I still have to go through the comments moderation process on a daily basis.

On the other hand, I start using widgets now and I like them a lot. I think in some time there will be a lot of widgets available from WP related sites (as currently there are a log of plugins).

I have also changed the theme since I am not in the mood of adjusting my old one, nor I am going to design something new. If anyone wants to try and make me a theme (with widget support) – I will be more than happy.

WP upgrade

I have upgrade WP to 2.2. Looks nice. Widgets are all cool as well. There is only one problem for me now – SpamKarma 2. When I am trying to activate it, something is going wrong with the headers and I get offered to download plugins.php file instead of the plugin to start working. Due to this problem, I had to put manual comments moderation until I find a solution, so if you can not see your comment after you posted, then it is in a moderation Q.

Fedora 7

Downloaded Fedora 7 (full DVD and Live CD KDE-based images) and installed the full one. Looks great, works fast. From what I have noticed immidiately – my WiFi seems to work out of the box, yum works much faster. The rest is pretty much the same, apart of new art-work everywhere and less stuff to update (fresh software everywhere).

Some old photos uploaded

I have uploaded some photos that were taken a while ago on my flickr page. Also discovered that in addition to sets, flickr has collections – quite useful feature for better organization. It seems that flickr has everything to organize the photos: tags, sets and collections