
It’s been ages since I last played snooker. For the past week I had my friends from Russia as guests here in Cyprus and we had couple of games during their stay. What should I say – I love the game and I want to play it more often. Unfortunately I don’t know many people who play snooker (most prefer american pool instead). If you are playing snooker and you are in Limassol – we can meet sometime in Century Billiard club for game :)

Custom RSS feeds

As per Tiamat‘s complain about Twitter updates on my blog creating mess in his google reader (or whatever he is using), here is a URL to RSS, where those posts are filtered away (by Yahoo!Pipes). Original pipe is here:

In addition, there is a russian category in my blog which is not shown on front page, nor it is included in default feed. You can always see posts here and RSS here. Alternatively, you can see all those posts on my LiveJournal account (and use LiveJournal RSS).

Searchable drop downs with jQuery

Today was looking for a plugin to make huge drop-downs searchable. I have first checked the jQuery Autocomplete plugin, but that works better with plain text inputs, then browsed through tens of other similar plugins and even tried couple of them. Finally, my choice went to jQuery Searchable Drop Down Plugin.

Main reason of choice – ease of setup. Just include the script in the head and then use something like this in your code:

$(function() { $('#myDropDownSelectElementId').searchable(); });

Finish story, works just like it supposed to.