I am currently working on creating a perl module do deal with Nagios configuration. The existing Nagios-Object package is quite limited, outdated and not that fully implemented. I checked it up and decided to rewrite it using my way.
Currently I am using Class-Generate package to help me with creating classes for Nagios object definitions and I already managed to write a parser which takes a path of nagios main configuration file, finds all links to object definition files and parses all definitions. One\’s parsed, the definitions are stored as objects with all accessorts/mutators available.
I am also implementing object linkage so that the relations of objects can be used easily. Currently most of the stuff is already working fine.
In addition I am planning to implement the write function so that it is possible to create problem text config files with object definitions. Also thinking on getting on status log parsing.
The idea behind is to create a web admin panel for Nagios and extend the functionality, plus maybe I will do a new web frontend for Nagios, since the one given is not that good (anymore). I already have some web stuff working (based on perl, Catalyst, CGI-FromBuilder and Template-Toolkit)