Google and Mamt?chenkov

Small background: some of you may notice that sometimes my family name appears as \”mamtchenkov\” and sometimes as \”mamchenkov\” (without \”t\” in the middle). This is because my (as well as my brother\’s and others\’ members of my family) passport translation. In the beginning it was with \”t\”, but when recently we changed [renewed] our passports there were no \”t\” in the family name (have something to do with English and French I beleive, although not very sure). Anyhow, I am not very used to the change myself so sometimes there is \”t\” and sometimes there is no.

Today I was playing around Google (actually Google Suggest) and found that if \”mamchen\” is entered in the input field, than Google shows only one auto completion option \”mamchenkov\” with 14,900 promissed results. After, if \”mamchenkov\” is entered, Google asks \”Did you mean: mamtchenkov\” :)

The most interesting part for me was \”Why do Google offers \’mamchenkov\’ as an auto completion option and does not offer \’mamtchenkov\’ [no metter what I enter, even \’mamtchenko\’ won\’t work], but when results are displayed, it recognizes \’mamtchenkov\’ to be more correct than \’mamchenkov\’?\”.

Tricky… ;)